Are you looking for a dedicated Immigration Attorney to help your family? Check out these blogs by our experienced lawyers at the Scheer Law Group in Morristown, NJ.
New Jersey Immigration Lawyer Discusses Being Sponsored By Your Father Do you live in New Jersey and wish to be sponsored by your father, but his name is not on your birth certificate? Contact experienced New Jersey Immigration Lawyer Susan Scheer to guide you through the process of being sponsored. Our dedicated New Jersey Immigration Lawyer will use her…
¡New Jersey Abogado de Inmigración le da la Bienvenido a la Primavera 2016! UNIVISION PRETENDE REGISTRAR MAS VOTANTES HISPANOS Con la elección presidencial sólo unos meses de distancia, Univision ha fijado la meta de registrar 3 millones de nuevos votantes latinos, que es aproximadamente el mismo número que han alcanzado a ser mayor de edad…
New Jersey Immigration Attorney Welcomes You to Springtime 2016 UNIVISION AIMS TO REGISTER MORE HISPANIC VOTERS With the presidential election just a few months away, Univision has set a goal of registering 3 million new Latino voters, which is about the same number who have come of voting age since the 2012 election. In 2012,…
New Jersey Immigration Attorney Discusses Applying for Work Authorization with a Tourist Visa I am most often asked as an experienced New Jersey Immigration Attorney if you can apply to work in the United States when you are visiting on a valid tourist Visa. Because you are on a visitor visa it is not the…
Febrero 2016 Memorándum ¡Feliz Día del Presidente! El lunes, 15 de febrero, nosotros como país celebraremos el Día del Presidente. El día fue creado para conmemorar el cumpleaños de nuestro primer presidente de los Estados Unidos, George Washington, así como en honor a la oficina de la Presidencia. REDADAS DE DEPORTACIÓN FAMILIAR EN ENERO El…
February 2016 Memo Happy President’s Day! On Monday, February 15th, we as a country celebrated President’s Day. The day was created to commemorate the birthday of our first U.S. President, George Washington, as well as to honor the office of the Presidency. FAMILY DEPORTATION ROUNDUPS IN JANUARY Last month, 121 undocumented immigrants were detained…
New Jersey Immigration Attorney Explains the Consular Process Interview Many times as a New Jersey Immigration Attorney I will be asked to handle the last phase of an immigration step, which is called consular processing. It is a difficult case, but one that we I am very experienced with. As an experienced New Jersey Immigration Attorney, I have handled them for over 30 years.…
New Jersey Immigration Attorney Discusses how DACA Helps Young Adults Cómo DACA puede ayudarle Are you under the age of 31 and have lived in the United States since the age of 16? Contact our experienced New Jersey Immigration Lawyer Susan Scheer to see how DACA can help you. Download Our Free Immigration Guide
New Jersey Immigration Attorney Helps You Get Permanent Resident Status for Your Fiancee La obtención de la residencia permanente para su prometido Are you looking to get permanent resident status for your fiancee? Contact experienced New Jersey Immigration Attorney Susan Scheer. This educational attorney video is brought to you by Susan Scheer, an experienced New Jersey Immigration…
Download Our New Jersey Immigration Lawyer Mobile App Have you had a chance to download Attorney Susan Scheer’s free New Jersey immigration law app? The Scheer NJ Immigration Lawyer mobile app was created to provide you with a quick and helpful resource with easy access to tools that can help you connect to one…